Getting the kids off to school, organizing a multitude of playdates and sleepovers, making sure to hide enough vegetables in the kids' lunch, worrying about that school report, parent/teacher conferences, overseeing homework, cooking a healthy meals, trying to look fresh, sexy, and available, all at the same time as doing your best to be a domestic goddess. If you answered yes, then you are in the club of the busy mom life.
On top of the before mentioned, moms worry about the wrinkles mounting up each and every day whilst you are faced with the images of perfect bodies and faces all over social media. Motherhood has never been easy and now most mothers are pressured to meet unrealistic beauty standards. According to data, moms of preschoolers have to attend to their child's needs at least 210 times a day. The juggle is real, and although there is no doubt there is something wonderful about being a mother, the job has become a lot more difficult as women face the pressure of being “superwoman”. Today women are caught in a whirlwind of multiple roles, not only are they expected to do a wonderful job taking care of others but also are expected to look like they did before they became a mom.

Feeling Burnt Out?
Women are burnt out. Burnt out from the constant pressure to spend enough time being present with the kids, as well as keeping a clean and decluttered home. Burnt out because every day somebody reminds them of the baby weight they should have lost, or that they “are looking so tired”. The pressure to do everything and look perfect sucks the joy from a woman's life.
So why is there so much pressure on women to have the ‘perfect’ body or smooth, wrinkle -free skin, be a high-flying executive, and the perfect mom all at the same time? And who defines ‘perfect’ anyway?
According to recent text, “Perfection is the state or quality of being perfect” or “the action or process of improving something until it is faultless”.
Pressures of Society : Supermoms
Since society has given its version of perfection women have felt the pressure to look good. From the Victorian era, when women were expected to look desirable, delicate and dutiful, whilst being tied up by their laces and squeezed into tight corsets, we have been tricked into believing if we are slimmer, younger looking and have a certain body shape, we are better people.
Today women face pressure from so many places, from advertising on TV and magazines, to the billboards we pass by on the street, from social media, online videos and the comments made by our friends and colleagues.
We are constantly being bombarded with images of the ideal body and face, and with it comes a sense of fear of rejection by society if we don’t fit the ‘ideal’. Faced with the constant pressure to look beautiful, many women regard size and youthfulness as a definitive element of their identity, they step on the scales or count their wrinkles to determine their self worth. Women are now living in a society where their looks define who they are and as a result are terrified to gain weight or grow old.

But “lucky” for us we are constantly reminded by the media about the various diet products or the various facial plastic surgery procedures that are available. With the emphasis on always putting our best face forward, women who don’t feel comfortable in their own skin are now opting to have their jowls, crows feet and smile lines lifted off their face, correcting nearly all signs of aging and restoring that youthful appearance.
Should Moms Give Up on Beauty?
The answer is NO, moms should be invested in their beauty regimen but while maintaining a healthy mindset.
A recent study explains that today nearly 15 million plastic surgeries per year are performed on women in the US alone-which the authors state is a 169% increase over the past 20 years. Facelifts, tummy tucks and breast enlargements are no longer restricted to a handful of ladies who lunch in Beverly Hills, but are now accessible to secretaries nipping out on their coffee break for a quick “facial filler fix” and mani-pedi at their local spa. This assumption that a more perfect self is a happier self puts a huge pressure on women to live up to an ideal standard of beauty. We are constantly urged to make “the best of ourselves” and if we are perceived as not doing so, we are accused of “letting ourselves go''. Women are expected to continuously look like something other than themselves and as a result many women are making big changes to their appearance.
Beauty Products made for Mothers
Are we all destined for a session of fat-melting or muscle slicing to achieve that natural, fresh-faced radiant appearance or do we have an alternative to those cut and sew procedures for turning back the clock?
The answer to that is yes and it is made especially for moms! Why? Because these products will give you instant results without the hassle of downtime or costly procedures. If you are a mom on the go, these products are made for you. Too good to be true? Well we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee because we rest assured that you will love these products due to their organic nature and the speediness of the wrinkle free results:
1. Athena 7 Minute Lift
The Athena 7 minute lift conceals your wrinkles before or after you makeup, apply and wait 7 minute to see dramatic results without the use of any expensive procedures. You can pop this bad boy in your purse and apply again on the go. Some moms have reported applying it at stop lights and staying expressionless while driving. Now that is what we call multitasking, a facelift while driving? Go moms!
2. Peptide 10 - 2 Minute Wrinkle Concealer
Similar to Athena 7 minute lift, Peptide 10 is a 2 minute filler that dramatically improves the appearance of your skin in just 2 minutes! Peptides reduce wrinkles and increase the elasticity in your skin, this on the go concealer will be your best friend for years to come.
3. Tummy Tone
Tummy Tone Serum reduces the appearance of those stubborn love handles and waistline in 43 minutes! This oxygen-based body wrap helps lift and tighten that persistent stomach “pooch” without the use of any invasive procedures, you will be astounded at the results!
4. Leg Tone
Okay this is the favorite among all moms! It is a legit 9 minute cellulite away serum. Legtone Serum is an easy to use serum that reduces cellulite naturally. Studies show it can reduce the appearance of cellulite by 47% in just 9 minutes, and no needles required!
It’s no secret women feel the pressure to conform to the media’s definition of “beautiful,” and that we are often made to feel that the naked body without adornment or make up, or with a little bit extra leverage around the waist is something to be ashamed of. We are often trapped in our own physical appearance and place attractiveness so high on our priority list that we forget it's what is on the inside that counts. What we need to remember is we don’t owe anyone our most attractive, we are beautiful, we are worth admiring and we are enough.