You found your safe haven! This is a space where we discuss everything skincare and beauty related for women and men after the age of 35. Most companies target a beauty industry that is younger than some of our children so we decided to create a space for real people with real skincare concerns. We hope you enjoy reading!

Plant Collagen vs. Animal Collagen

Linda Welch

Beauty is about more than what you see in the mirror. It’s about the choices you make and the values you stand for. By choosing plant collagen, you’re investing in a solution that’s better for your skin, better for animals, and better for the environment.

Wave Your Magic Wands

Linda Welch

While thinning eyebrows and eyelashes are a natural part of aging, understanding the causes and implementing effective solutions can make a significant difference. And, a little help from Adonia Organics is like having a magic wand.

Thin Hair, Thin Skin the 60s are Setting In

Linda Welch

Hitting 60 doesn’t mean you have to accept thinning skin, hair, muscles, or bones as your new normal. With the right strategies—from proper nutrition and exercise to targeted skincare and supplements—you can fight back and feel strong,

Glowing Skin Starts from Within

Linda Welch

The path to glowing skin isn’t just about topical treatments. A diet filled with nutrient-rich foods can work wonders for your complexion. 

The Dangers of Over-Exfoliating

Linda Welch

As we embrace the New Year, skincare trends are leaning toward minimalist, skin-friendly routines that prioritize barrier health. When it comes to exfoliation, less is more.

Revamp Your Skincare Routine

Linda Welch

Your skin is unique and constantly evolving, so your routine should evolve with it. By periodically reassessing your skincare and making thoughtful updates, you’re giving your skin the best chance to look and feel its best.